Empowering Your Employees to Improve Your Business
Those who own and operate businesses are rarely passive personalities. They are, instead, typically go-getters with an entrepreneurial spirit and the ambition to make a difference in the industries in which they operate. Some business owners take a somewhat directorial approach, telling employees what should be done and how to do it. Other owners are more hands-on, leading by example and not afraid to perform tasks that some might deem too menial or “low” for an owner to be doing.
Whatever leadership style you utilize, it is important to get the most out of your employees. As a business law attorney, I know the value of each worker in a company. I have worked with many clients in developing strategies to empower and engage their employees so that the success of the business becomes a unifying goal and one that every staff member can have a hand in reaching.
Unlock Hidden Potential
Regardless of the type of business you own, there are probably a wide variety of jobs that need to be done. When you have a particular need, you could go out and hire a new employee. However, the right person for the job may already be a member of your team. The young man you hired to sweep the floors, for example, may prove to be an excellent customer service representative if he is given the chance. Meet with each of your current employees and learn more about their long-term goals and personal objectives. Find out what inspires them and what types of responsibilities they would like to take on with your company. You can then use that information to put them in positions to succeed and grow your business.
Communicate and Be Transparent
Many business owners are hesitant to let their employees see the inner working of the company. While employees do not necessarily need full access to everything, shutting them down when they have questions or want to know how the business operates on a larger scale creates division that is often unnecessary. This is especially problematic when such employees are asked to make decisions without all of the relevant information. Allowing them to see what you deal with on a daily basis and the goals you have for the business could give them useful perspective and a new respect for what you do for the company.
Failure Is an Option
It is perfectly acceptable to make mistakes or to have ideas that do not result in added success. Nobody is perfect all of the time, especially in the business world. If, however, your employees are scared of failing or how you will react when they make a mistake, their potential for growth and that of your company will be severely limited.
Encourage and reward originality and new ideas. When someone comes to you with a new way of doing a particular task, give him or her the chance to try it within reason. If it proves to be successful, incorporate it into your best practices. If not, do not criticize the employee personally, but rather work to identify where the idea fell short. Never punish someone for trying to increase efficiency, as controlled failure can be a valuable learning experience.
We Can Provide Guidance
If you own a business and have questions about putting your staff in positions to excel, contact an experienced Naperville business law attorney. Call 630-756-1160 to schedule a consultation at the Gierach Law Firm today. We have the knowledge and skills to help you make the best decisions for your company.
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