Naperville Business Law Attorney Talks About Hiring Help for the Winter Holiday Season
Now that summer is over and the kids are back to school, most people who celebrate the “typical” holidays are preparing for Halloween. While retailers’ shelves are full of orange and black decorations, spooky costumes, and sweet treats, you might have started to see the first signs of Christmas merchandise as well. For the average person, it may seem far too early to begin thinking about Christmas, but for many businesses—especially those associated with retail—it really is time to start preparing for the winter holiday season.
As a business law attorney, I realize that it can be almost impossible for many companies to meet their customers’ needs during the holiday season without hiring additional help. Finding, hiring, and training new employees are almost always difficult, but things get even tougher when your applicants know that their jobs are temporary. The good news is that there are some steps you can take to make the hiring process easier for you, your company, and your seasonal workers.
Start Now and Use Your Available Resources
If you have not already begun your efforts to hire seasonal employees, it is not too late, but it soon will be. Hiring the right employees requires you to get ahead of other companies competing for good people. By starting now, you should have enough time to screen your applicants, choose the best prospects, and get them trained quickly enough to be ready to help serve your customers during the holidays.
There are many ways to put the word out that you are looking for help, but your best recruitment source could be your current employees. Ask your staff if they know people who might be able to do the job and fit in with your company’s culture. You might even offer incentives to employees who recommend successful new hires.
You could also use social media outlets like Facebook or LinkedIn to recruit from the public at large. Keep in mind that when you open your recruiting up to the general public, you might get substantially more interest, but you will also need to spend more time vetting potential candidates.
Include Your Seasonal Employees
Your seasonal workers are an essential part of your team, regardless of the fact that they might only work for a little while, and they should be treated as if they matter. If a seasonal employee does something that is worth recognizing, acknowledge it in front of your team. On the other hand, if a temporary worker breaks a rule or violates one of your policies, do not just let it slide because the employee will soon be gone.
If you offer employee discounts, sales contests, or other incentives, be sure to include your seasonal employee. It is a good idea to invite them to any holiday parties that you choose to throw also. Seasonal employees who feel appreciated are likely to remain loyal customers when their job ends. They can also become valuable sources of referrals for your business for many years to come.
Seize Opportunities
You might have every intention of letting your entire seasonal staff go when the holidays are over, but you should be ready to take advantage of unexpected opportunities if they arise. For example, if one of your seasonal employees impresses you enough, you might consider finding a way to keep him or her, even if you need to create a position. Successful business owners are always looking for ways to make their companies better, including finding good permanent employees among the seasonal help.
Call a DuPage County Employment Attorney
If you are thinking about increasing the size of your team for the upcoming winter holidays, an experienced Naperville business law attorney can help you address any concerns you may have. Call 630-756-1160 for a confidential consultation at the Gierach Law Firm today.
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